Custom validation and log messages

This article covers commands that allow you to print custom informational or validation messages to the test report.

Thera are 4 useful commands for printing custom messages:

  • - Print an information message to the test report
  • TEST.log.pass - Print a message to the test report, with a success status
  • - Print a message to the test report, with a failure status, causing the whole test run to fail
  • TEST.assert - Checks a condition, and prints either a success or failure status message depending on the condition


// TEST.log methods accept a single parameter:
// - message: the message to print to the test report

// TEST.assert accept two parameters:
// - condition : condition to validate, this should be an expression that evaluates to a boolean value
// - message: the validation message to print to the test report
// - errorMessage: (optional) the error message to print if the condition fails
TEST.assert(condition, message)
TEST.assert(condition, message, errorMessage)

Using TEST.log for custom logging

Here's an example showing how custom logs can be used to perform custom validation."Test Case #102 : Catalog should show at least 10 products")

let count = I.getCount(".product-card")

if (count >= 10) {
	TEST.log.pass("Catalog has at least 10 products.")
} else {"Catalog has less than 10 products!")

In this example above, the test script uses to print a reference to a test case number. It then counts the number of .product-card elements on the page, validates if there is at least 10 elements, and prints either a success or failure message using TEST.log.pass and respectively.

Using TEST.assert for custom validation and logging

This previous test script can be simplified using the TEST.assert command to replace the if-else block:"Test Case #102 : Catalog should show at least 10 products")

let count = I.getCount(".product-card")

TEST.assert(count >= 10, "Catalog has at least 10 products.", "Found only " + count + "products in the catalog")
Last Updated: 5/2/2024, 2:32:07 AM