Validate page element attribute



// assert the presense of the attribute on the target element
UI.hasAttribute(target, attribute)
// assert the value of the attribute on the target element
UI.hasAttribute(target, attribute, value)
targetstringExpression to target an element. This can be a text, CSS selector, or XPATH selector.
attributestringName of the attribute.
valuestring(Optional) Value expected for the attribute. Case-insensitive. If not provided, this command will simply assert that the attribute exists on the element.


Validate that an element should be disabled

I.goTo("")"Login") // <- go to login page

// leave the username and password fields blank
I.fill("Username", "")
I.fill("Password", "")

// assert that the #login-button is disabled
UI.hasAttribute("#login-button", "disabled")

In this example, we can use the UI.hasAttribute to test if the #login-button element is disabled, when the Username and Password fields are empty.

Validate that the element attribute should have a specific value

UI.hasAttribute("#summer-sale-banner", "campaign-id", "SUMMERSALE2020")

This test will pass if the #summer-sale-banner element exists on the page, and has the campaign-id attribute, with the value of SUMMERSALE2020.


Assert the absense of an attribute on an element, or that the value of an attribute is not equals a given string.


// Assert that the element does not have an attribute
UI.doesNotHaveAttribute(target, attribute)
// Assert that the element does not have an attribute with an given value
UI.doesNotHaveAttribute(target, attribute, value)
targetstringExpression to target an element. This can be a text, CSS selector, or XPATH selector.
attributestringName of the attribute.
valuestring(Optional) Value that the attribute should not be equal to. Case-insensitive. If not provided, this command will simply assert that the attribute does not exist on the element.


Validate that an element should not be disabled

I.goTo("")"Login") // <- go to login page

// assert that the #login-button is disabled initially
UI.hasAttribute("#login-button", "disabled")

// fill the username and password fields
I.fill("Username", "john")
I.fill("Password", "supersecretpassword")

// assert that the #login-button is no longer disabled
UI.doesNotHaveAttribute("#login-button", "disabled")

In this example, we can use the UI.hasAttribute to test if the #login-button element is not disabled, when the Username and Password fields are filled.

Last Updated: 10/27/2023, 12:14:03 PM